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TRUCHANGE is an engaging, interactive behavior change platform that will have a major impact on the health of every individual that uses it. In place of endless pages of text with no emotion, the user will be transported through a meaningful, memorable, motivational journey to another dimension where learning and behavior change are spontaneous and fun.

TRUCHANGE utilizes the Allen Behavior Change model to facilitate healthy changes - changes that lead to long-lasting healthy habits in the lifestyle areas of activity & fitness, healthy eating, resiliency and sleep. 
TRUCHANGE facilitates member participation in Wellness Affinity Groups - support groups that use "the power of many to empower the one".  The support groups are developed using AI and psychographic profiles of each member. Group chats are facilitated by a proprietary Deep Language Understanding model.
Participants choose their personal journey via expert-guided, self-selected pathways in 9 health pathways: SleepWell, StressWell, EatWell, MoveWell and S.M.I.L.E. (Spirituality, Music, Ideals, Laughter, E.Q.).

Our Mission
The mission of TRUCHANGE is to empower people to make - and sustain - change. Change that leads to healthier, more joyful lives.
Our Vision
The vision of TRUCHANGE is that by improving the well-being of many individuals, we can effect a positive change in the state of health and healthcare in the US and globally.

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